Why not give your brows a lift
and brighten your entire face?

Brow Lift Surgery in NY

Raising your brows with surgery can be done at the same time as an eyelid lift or on its own.  It is a long-lasting procedure that appears to open the eyes and alleviate heaviness above the eyes.  Dr. Kotlus takes a conservative approach to ensure the results do not appear over-done.

Heavy or low-positioned eyebrows occur with aging. Browplasty raises the brow and forehead using one of several techniques. The endoscopic method uses small incisions behind the hairline to elevate the brow. Other approaches employ a long incision behind or within the hairline (bicoronal or trichophytic brow lift), an incision in the temple hair (temporal lift), or an incision in the upper eyelid (internal browplasty or browpexy). The correct procedure for you is determined based on your goals and the structure of your hairline, eyebrows, and eyelids.

In your consultation in one of his NY offices, Dr. Kotlus reviews the eyebrow rejuvenation options and he gives expert recommendations to help you look younger and more refreshed without looking “done”.

Before and after brow lift

Non-Surgical Brow Lift in NYC

The eyebrows can be raised without surgery using Botox and/or fillers. Botox injections reduce the strength of the muscles that pull down on the brows, allowing the brows to move upward. Botox results typically last between 3-6 months.

Sagging or deflated eyebrows also appear to reside in a low position. Filler injections work to re-inflate sunken areas and can improve the shape and placement of the brows. Filler injection results usually last between 8 months to 2 years.  Dr. Kotlus uses Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Sculptra, and Juvederm Voluma for brow and temple rejuvenation and suggests an appropriate filler during your consultation.

Eyebrow Botox (or Dysport) and eyebrow fillers can be administered at the same time if you have both overactive brow muscles and have lost volume under the brows.  Some have termed this minimally-invasive combination of injections the “liquid browlift“.

Before and after non-surgical brow lift

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How long does Botox last?

Botox starts to work after a few days and lasts for months. How many months is the big question.  I’ve been treating patients with cosmetic botulinum type A since my residency days in New York City and I’ve administered thousands of Botox injections.  On average, Botox lasts about 4 months.  But, this isn’t the case for everyone.  Why? […]

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How Botox became #1 in popularity

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